How to activate Qubely Pro

In the file classes/Updater.php, find the function __construct which starts around line 1, add this to the start of the function code:

 $license_info = array('activated'=>true, 'license_key'=>'123qwe123qwe', 'license_to'=>'your_name_here', 'expires_at'=>'31 December 2099', 'activated_at'=>'31 December 2018', 'msg'=>''); //RC $license_info_serialize = serialize($license_info); update_option(QUBELY_FREE_BASENAME.'_license_info', $license_info);

Feel free to change the your_name_here to whatever you want to be displayed as the license name on the license page.

Then find the function check_for_update_api which starts around line 263, add this to the start of the function code:

 return false;

Refresh the dashboard and you should be all ‘licensed’ and good to go.

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