Product Research

  • 10 Winning Product
  • Good Profit Margin
  • High Demand
  • Hard to find local
  • Free & Fast Shipping
  • Low Competition

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Finding Suppliers

  • Low Cost Products
  • Worldwide Shipping
  • Good support from the supplier
  • Fast Delivery
  • Inventory Automation
  • (USA, CA, UK, GER) Based if needed

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Product Description Writing

  • Original Product Title
  • SEO Ranking Product Title
  • Original Description
  • SEO Ranking Description
  • Brand Creation
  • Meta Tags

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Email Marketing

  • Setup Email Campaigns
  • Professional Design
  • Newsletter Automation
  • Email Flows
  • Abdoned Cart Emails Setup
  • Returning Customers Report

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Website Optimization

  • Speed Up
  • Bug Fixing
  • Searching for Bugs
  • New Apps & Plugins Sutable
  • Payment Getaways Setup
  • Change (NEW) Design

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Running Campaigns

  • Facebook, Instagram, Google Setup
  • Audience Report
  • Tracking Pixel
  • Bid Management
  • Re-Targeting & New Audience Testing
  • Grow (Scale) Audience

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Pictures & Video Ads

  • Professional Design
  • Professional Ad Banners
  • Facebook Algoritam Compliant
  • High Converting
  • Well explained
  • Background music

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Influencers Marketing

  • Find Influencers
  • Niche Specific
  • Audience Report
  • No Fake Followers
  • Make a Deal
  • Low Cost

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Virtual Assistant

  • Product Fulfilment
  • Customer Support
  • Store Management
  • Product Adding
  • Weekly Report
  • Order Tracking

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